What's It all About ???

This page is all about the building and flying of radio controlled model aircraft. It's a highly diversified hobby that takes in as many skills as you like to use. Everything from electronics to carpentry, to painting, to drawing and designing with a little bit of metal work thrown in. Some builders even go into doing their own machining, pattern designing, fibre glassing, moulding and engine design. You can use electric motors, 2 stroke or 4 stroke internal combustion engines or even minature turbine (jet) engines for power. My own models use 2 and 4 stroke internal combustion engines and range in size from about a metre in wingspan to well over 3 metres from tip to tip!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

This Week's Progress - June 17th to June 23rd.

Well I did promise to update this blog on a weekly basis during our winter  - So here is what progress I've made this week - and yeah - I know this will be a day late in some time zones so the smart arse at the back of the room can go sit down!!!

I've cut out and assembled the Telemaster mainplane up to the point where I ran out of balsa of the right size. So the leading and trailing edges will have to wait till I get to the local hobby shop. The structure uses all balsa ribs and spars with multiple stringers ( 3 ) on the top of each wing panel. Some builders prefer to dispense with these stringers and D Box the wing. I'm building my example strictly off the plan with the exception that I am fitting flaps & ailerons instead of just the full span ailerons. For those who might be interested there are progress photos on the Telemaster page.

The rest of the week has been spent building a small trainer model for a friend and repairing some gravel rash on a couple of my own models. Other than that I'm sorting out the 3 building projects that I've started on and I'm trying to work out how to get the builds to compliment each other rather than get in the way.

I'll start posting photos of my "tri build" and hopefully, I'll also have the next lot of Telemaster photo's as well.