I've included a couple of photos of the new arrival and I'll include step by step build photos as I put it together. The photos and a description of the build, problems if any, and the set up and maiden flight will all be there as I progress.
New arrival with the existing Space Baron in the Background
All the components to assemble
I'm fortunate in that I managed to locate and download a complete manual off the Internet.
14th February UPDATE.
I've started a build thread page for this Heli as The NEW Kalt Space Baron to differentiate it from the second Kalt - the one I bought from the Tip and still intend to restore.
Some readers might also note that I have removed a couple of pages - I had to sort things out and rationalise my builds a bit so I've given some projects to other club members. I have no doubt they will see the light of day sooner than if they sit in the back of my hangar till Dooms Day !